Meet the Writers

Photo of Elise Escamilla, a Mexican-American woman with long, curly black hair and a black-and-white top, as she smiles directly at the camera.

Elise Escamilla

Elise Escamilla (she/her) has a B.A. in English from UCLA, with a minor in Film, Television, & Digital Media, and a Masters of Library and Information Science from SJSU. As a youth librarian, she is passionate about providing free access to resources and information to all, and inspiring lifelong literacy in young minds. A self-diagnosed gamer, chronic K-drama enjoyer, and an overall film fanatic, Elise is a homebody at heart, but loves to laze around in the great outdoors with the trees.

“Truly the most iconic heterosexual you’ll ever meet.” – Peyton

“My bestest friend. Greatest ally to the Alphabet community and lover of angry men with hearts of gold..” – Eugene

Eugene Lee

Eugene Lee (he/him/they) is tired and seeking arrangements with a rich Korean CEO who falls in love with them due to their rustic poverty charms. He currently works as a Production Editor at a Big 5 (soon to be 4) book publisher and highly encourages BookTokers in their late 20’s to not make books meant for teenagers their whole personalities. A proud UCLA Bruin, Eugene double majored in English Literature and Political Science and is convinced that they should have studied less in college. His intentions with the Close Read blog are to rant and rave about all the things they love and hate about this world, while sharing their thoughts with their lovely and genius friends, Elise and Peyton.

“Eugene will research and explain entire lores, intricate plotlines, and their symbolic meanings for both popular and indie media alike, but won’t text back.” – Elise

“My #1 choice for a lavender marriage.” – Peyton

Photo of Eugene Lee, a Korean-American man with short, straight black hair and black glasses.

Photo of Peyton Austin, a white woman with short-cropped hair and glasses. A sword tattoo is visible on her arm.

Peyton Austin

Peyton Austin (she/her) is a born, raised, and proud Angeleno. She majored in English Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing at University of California, Los Angeles, where she met fellow writers Eugene and Elise. She has previously been published in Westwind. A producer at her old film internship once told her she was “too judgmental,” and she decided to take it as a compliment. Her areas of interest include setting as character, well-written television, and the San Gabriel mountains.

“Peyton is Television Jesus, blessing every one with a series that forever alters the course of your media-consuming life.” – Elise

“TV-watching partner and fellow enjoyer of Moscow Mules. Would marry IRL for realsies..” – Eugene